Gmail creation date

When you create a new Gmail account, you will be sent a congratulatory email from Google confirming that your account has been successfully set up. It is vital that you do not delete this email. Please record the exact date and time that this email was sent to you and if possible, forward this welcome …

How to delete a single auto-complete entry in Microsoft Edge

I recently attended a trouble call where the customer was complaining that there were multiple auto-complete username entries in the various web forms using Microsoft Edge. She explained that she wanted to delete these obsolete entries. Previously, she had managed to delete ALL of the auto-complete entries but that was overkill. If you need to …

Can’t download Gmail to Outlook

Recently we had a client complain that they could not download recent emails to their Microsoft Outlook programme. When they pressed the “send/receive” icon, the emails showed that they were being downloaded but nothing appeared in the inbox. Needless to say she was getting quite frustrated with this, because she didn’t want to keep using …