Introduction To MS-Word
- Opening Word
- Starting a document
- The various aspects of a document
- The toolbars in Word
- The views in Word
- Entering formation in to Word
- Editing features of Word
- Creating various paragraphs in Word
- Inserting numbering and bullets
- Inserting borders into documents
- Checking the spellng and using the Word dictionary
- Using cut, copy and paste
- Using format painter
- Using undo and redo
- Inserting tables
- Using various short cuts
- E mailing a document from Word
- Saving a document properly
Duration: 1 Day Pre-Requisites: Introduction to PCs
Intermediate MS-Word
- Advanced editing features
- Advanced paragraph features
- The finer features of tables
- Inserting a chart into Word
- Linking information into Word
- Using the mail merge features of Word
- Creating columns in Word
- Inserting excel into Word
- Working with pictures in Word
- Creating templates
- Creating text styles
- Using outlined numbering
- Creating tabs in Word
- Creating diagrams in Word
- Creating envelopes in Word
- Creating labels in Word
- Using headers and footers
- Using the page numbering
Duration: 1 Day Pre-Requisites: MS-Word Introduction
Advanced MS-Word
- Creating table of contents
- Creating indexes
- Using hyperlinks
- Using macros
- Using cross references
- Using footers
- Using find and replace
- Inserting page breaks
- Using speech recognition
- Using track and trace
- Protecting your document
- Online collaboration
- Comparing documents
Duration: 1 Day Pre-Requisites: MS-Word Intermediate