If you are unable to install Windows Update 2804579 then please read the following:
Try the easiest thing first by typing “msconfig” (without quotes) at the start>run “open” field. Choose the middle selection “Diagnostic Startup” and press the OK button. Now try downloading the update. If the update still fails, then please follow this procedure”
- Open the registry editor by typing regedit at the start>run “open” field and go to the following key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\Packages
- Backup the Packages keys by right clicking “Packages” in the left hand column and choose “Export”. I suggest that you save the backup to your C: drive so that you can find it easily in case you run into trouble. You can undo any changes by double clicking this exported “.reg” file.
- Scroll down to the “Packages” in the left column. Right click and choose to “delete” any package with 2804579 in the title. For my Windows 7 computer, I had 3 instances of this title: One was in Package; Package 1; Package 3
- If you get a permission error that you are not allowed to delete the key, then you can download an excellent programme from Raymond.cc’s website by going here.
- When you launch this programme select the “Registry” tab and repeat step 3 above.
- Finally, close the editor and reboot your computer and go to the Windows update site to download KB2804579.
A bonus of deleting the corrupted keys, was that this also fixed the blank window when trying to view “Turn Windows features on or off” feature on our Windows 7 computer!
WARNING: Comp-U-Train will not be held liable for any problems caused to your computer’s OS through the tampering of the registry!
We would like to say a big thank you to Raymond.cc for helping us connect the problem between the “Turn Windows features on or off” blank window and the Microsoft Windows update failure of KB2804579 issue.